"Kristi identified the obstacles that had stalled our strategic planning process, and helped us remove them. Then we were able to focus on the real work we needed to do."
John Montgomery, Attorney & Founding Partner
Montgomery & Hansen LLP
Industry: Beauty/Skin Care
A San Francisco-based skincare company that is redefining the future of anti-aging skincare, Rodan+Fields® also prides itself on changing lives as a social commerce brand.
What started at R+F as a simple coaching engagement for one executive has blossomed into a company-wide program of facilitated DiSC® workshops at the corporate headquarters. "People are using what they learn to communicate and interact more effectively; Kristi's facilitation has everything to do with that."
When Jessica Raefield, Rodan+Fields' Senior Director of Human Resources, realized that there was a personnel problem in her department, she asked a trusted friend for a referral to an executive coach; he suggested KLR Consulting and Kristi Royse.
Kristi recommended that Jessica bring her team into the sessions and they took the DiSC® assessment and went through Kristi's personalized analysis, individually and as a group.
"Kristi's facilitated analysis brought so much more depth and understanding to our DiSC® information. I was already familiar with DiSC®, but the way Kristi works with it is unique."
Kristi continues to coach other executives at R+F.
After working with Kristi herself, Jessica realized that other departments at Rodan+Fields could benefit as well. "Once I'd seen Kristi in action with my team, I started recommending her to select department heads."
Jessica says, "The DiSC® report is good, but what really helps people is to have Kristi's support and analysis." For each department Kristi spoke with each individual, and then brought them all together for a workshop session. "She explains the DiSC®, the different styles, and helps each style translate the information into real action on a day-to-day basis."
Another thing that stood out to Jessica was the way Kristi presented.
"She is super engaging! A lot of coaches and trainers can get preachy, and will stand in front of a group and drone on and on. Kristi isn't like that."
She adds that Kristi "is casual, in a good way. She keeps her slides minimal and doesn't read from them. It's more like she is having a conversation with the group than talking at them. Kristi turns the audience into participants by asking questions. She changes the dynamic and the energy in the room by breaking them into smaller groups to do short exercises. It's super fun to watch!"
Jessica was particularly impressed when Kristi gave the DiSC® workshop to the General Marketing department. "This is a big group, and it is not easy to keep their attention. I've seen them texting, emailing, laptops open, even when it's the CEO of the company that's speaking."
She was pleasantly surprised to see that for Kristi's session there were no cell phones or laptops, and everyone was paying attention. "She really grabbed people's attention and kept it. This is a group of highly creative people who have a bunch of projects going and deadlines coming up, but the level of engagement was enormous. Getting these guys to stay for an entire session is unheard of, but in this case people even stayed afterwards and continued to discuss what they learned!"
"Kristi is relatable and teaches through examples and real world scenarios, which I think helps the information stick." Jessica sees people using their new skills and communication abilities regularly. "I'll hear people using the DiSC® language with each other."
Kristi's DiSC trainings have given people at Rodan+Fields, from executives to staff, a common language they can use to communicate clearly and improve teamwork.
"When we are hiring, I interview a candidate last, after they've been through interviews with managers and department heads. Since Kristi's trainings the candidates I talk to mention that every person who has interviewed them asks about DiSC®."
Jessica reiterates that Kristi's practical approach, using examples from her own extensive experience and real-world scenarios helped people relate and retain the information.
As for the overall effect of the trainings, Jessica says, "We didn't have a particularly negative environment to begin with, but team dynamics have improved, people are understanding more about each other, why they are the way they are and how they work, and it's opened a dialog between groups that wasn't there before."
Jessica would like to see Kristi work with more of the R+F departments. She says, "This is the beauty industry, so aesthetics are important, and Kristi presents herself well; she is very professional and has a relaxed yet professional speaking style. She's got executive presence and charisma. I would be comfortable having her present to anyone, from staff to executive teams to the board."
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